Ryan: Let me repeat that, it ripped Icewave. Joey: Icewave is the most disappointing robot in Battlebots history. Rotator had its most impressive fight of the season in the Sweet 16 when it ripped Icewave to pieces Joey: Yup! Good show by Rotator, but it was doomed there. Ryan: Well it beat Rotator in the elite 8. Joey: Speaking of, who did Bite Force face, and not face, in the round of eight? It didn’t cause Huge to tear itself in half, but it definitely helped get it to that point. Joey: Bite Force may have helped it! But hard to say. Except for Huge falling apart all by itself in the first tournament match. And every one of its fights was excellent. It’s the only undefeated robot still standing. Ryan: This year, Bite Force might be one of the most impressive robots I have ever seen in Battlebots. Joey: I do want to point out that Bite Force might have had a weird amount of trouble if Icewave had not split Huge in half.Hard to say. It did not deserve to win because Tombstone wasn’t at 100%. Ryan: In 2015, Bite Force deserved to be in the finals. Joey: Would not have expected it to start the season. Joey: Which one next? Let’s do Bite Force. Ryan: Now to the other side of the bracket! Sawblaze is great not because of its saw, or because of its blaze, but because of its wedge. Ryan: Even if Lock Jaw wins, as it was not impressive in the regular season as Sawblaze was. Possibly the most improved robot in the field this year? Ryan: Sawblaze has impressed me this season, considering how bad it was in the past. Joey: I am beginning to think that one strategy might be better than the other. More interesting was Monsoon, a pretty decent vertical spinner, taking down Sawblaze, the, uh, greatest saw bot in the history of the game? Those Minotaur fights were just fun tire-poppers. Ryan: I really like Monsoon a lot, but it did not stand a chance against Minotaur. Joey: Minotaur absolutely destroys those vertical spinners. Ryan: This was the one quarter of the bracket that I got every fight right, by the way. The bot that the show likes disproportionately to how good it is. By, y’know, being good, as opposed to lucky. Ryan: That’s right, the other robot in the semi-finals is Minotaur. Joey: If it makes the final, I will be greatly displeased. Ryan: Well, because it beat one of the robots that could have really messed it up, and Tombstone, well, yeah. But yeah! Then Lock-Jaw had a less difficult matchup in the round of eight and, uh, is in the semis.
It’s not up on the Discovery Channel’s site in full and I don’t want to watch 5 full minutes of ads just to pull the highlights again. Ryan: It was a very wild fight that went all over the Battlebox. Joey: So that was one that i didn’t watch at all. Ryan: Yup, it cleanly beat SOW in a very entertaining fight. Joey: Yup! Congrats to SOW for fucking up so consistently.

Who didn’t do that badly in either of its tournament fights! So we got Bombshell versus another bot that I’m not terribly pleased to see. Ryan: I still would have rather this been Duck.

Joey: So yeah, we got to see Bombshell, a bot that I was not particularly pleased to see on my television, make top 8. He missed that time and got torn to pieces, so hey, good for him getting it on the second go. Ryan: This was Michael Jeffries’ strategy for Bombshell to beat Tombstone in the championship last year. Joey: Tombstone getting stuck on its chain hurt. Ryan: It’s almost like Bombshell was specifically designed to knock Tombstone’s weapon chain loose and literally nothing else You HAPPENED to get lucky with your prediction. Ryan: Let’s focus on the left side of the bracket first, because that has the “shocking” elimination of Tombstone. But it’s funny how they didn’t really show us the story of Whiplash or Lock-Jaw, which would be funny if either won. Joey: Hopefully they can do away with this nonsense next time. How does it look? Catch all the tournament action starting this Friday – 8pm on /zso0DV5jRl How the tournament went downīotFans – Your 2018 BattleBots World Championship Bracket.
As opposed to previous articles, this one is a free flowing conversation about both tournament episodes as opposed to a discussion about each match one by one. The next article will cover episode 19, which includes the semi-finals and the finals.

Breaking from how we normally cover Battlebots, this article will cover both episodes 18 and 19, which comprise the sweet 16 and quarterfinals of the 2018 Battlebots tournament. You can watch this week’s episode of Battlebots over on Discovery Channel’s website. You can also read more about this season’s competitors over on the show’s official site. Also worth reading is Battlebots Update, which, like us, provides analysis of each Battlebots episode. If you want the history on Battlebots and robot combat in general, SB Nation ran an oral history on the show’s first run in the late 1990s and early 2000s that is well worth your time to read.